Chartered Insurance Practitioner
Joe is a Chartered Insurance Practitioner based in our London office.
Joe White is an insurance claims professional in the shipping, steel and insurance industries.
His early career was spent dealing with Hull and Cargo claims for the owners of a large fleet of chemical tankers before spending almost 20 years in the steel industry implementing the insurance programme of a major UK steel manufacturer. This included an extensive Material Damage, Employers Liability and Public Liability exposure as well as a continuing involvement with Hull & Machinery and Cargo. Joe helped to develop an effective loss prevention programme, which dramatically improved the claims experience on the movement of steel cargoes. Many of these concepts have been adopted by the Lloyd’s insurance market as a claims handling blue print for some of their clients in other commodity areas.
Since joining MTD in 1998 Joe has continued to develop these ideas and apply them to steel shipments and other bulk cargoes including corn, rice and soya bean meal. He has also been instructed as an expert witness, commenting on the insurance and shipping practice of major commodity producers.